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Judges for 2019 WAA Events Application (2019亞洲總會賽事執法裁判申請書)


欲參與 2019 WAA各項賽事之執法裁判,請逕行下載申請表格,並於2018年12月24日(一)前將填妥之申請書mail至協會信箱: archers@ms26.hinet.net。以利彙整遞交亞洲總會。

信件主旨:2019 WAA執法申請書。


Dear Judges


If you are willing to officiate as judges at the 2019 WAA events, please fill out the form and return no later thanDecember 27, 2018.The form will be sent to member association together and uploaded on WAA web site.


Best regards

Dongmin Lee

Senior Director


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